Press & Media
Responsible for media requests and accreditation: Nicole Heppler
Host Broadcaster: Swiss Sport TV
Official competition photographer: Daniel Kaiser - Impressions
Dear media representatives
We're looking forward to welcoming you at BERN2024. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the BERN2024 media team in case you need any assistance, require additional materials or have further questions.
Sehr geehrte Medienschaffende
Wir freuen uns, Sie an BERN2024 begrüssen zu dürfen! Gerne können Sie sich an das BERN2024 Media Team wenden, wenn wir Sie in irgendeiner Form unterstützen können, Sie zusätzliche Materialien benötigen oder weitergehende Fragen haben.
Please fill in and return the accreditation form to to accredit yourself for the opening ceremony and the competition days of BERN2024. You can find the timetable for the event here . Accredited media representatives will receive more detailed information shortly before the event.

Media Kit
Images may be used for editorial usage (event outlook, reporting from and summary of BERN2024) in print or online media. Please credit "Daniel Kaiser | IMPRESSIONS" as the photographer.
Press releases | Medienmitteilungen
Images may be used for editorial usage (event outlook, reporting from and summary of BERN2024) in print or online media. Please credit "Daniel Kaiser | IMPRESSIONS" as the photographer.
All press releasesPhoto guidelines
Please note that the flash must always be switched off when taking photos in the competition hall, as it may startle the horses or athletes.
The media team will provide photo impressions of the competition days and winning athletes during the event, which may be used for editorial purposes by online and print media.